The 4 Laws

While squats, deadlifts, curls, crunches or hang cleans all will impact fitness, it is the way we set up the 4 laws that determines what type of impact they have.  Where am I going with this, sets, reps, load and rest? These 4 things will have the largest impact on training outcomes.  I guess I […]

Etiquette is the Foundation of Culture

I’m not sure how many of you have read Legacy: What the All Blacks Can Teach us About the Business of Life by James Kerr, but this book puts how to be a leader into perspective, quickly. How does etiquette have anything to do with being a leader, you ask? I have been so fortunate […]

The Do’s and Don’ts of Assessing

Today we’re going to discuss what is most likely the most polarizing topic in phys ed today… Assessing! To really understand why this is, we’ll need to look at some history.  This is a murky path let me tell you, but things sort of started taking shape in the early 1900s when researchers McCurdy and […]

From Huge Arms to Booty Fads

I have been in the fitness/ strength and conditioning industry for an incredible 21 years now. I fell into this industry by fate and have never woken up a day since that I haven’t been excited to get to work, learn and share all things healthy. When it comes to fads, I have seen them […]

Early Fitness Specialization: What?

The topic of early fitness specialization has been a major hot button for those involved in youth development for years. Research is conclusive that the narrower the focus in the stages of Learning to Train, and Training to Train within Long Term Athlete Development, the larger the negative impact it has on the ladder stages. […]

Relaxation Techniques for Pre-Competition Anxiety

Some athletes get pre-competition anxiety so intense that they find it difficult to concentrate and even become nauseous. In some cases, the anticipation of these feelings may cause an athlete to avoid competing or even quit their sport. These nervous sensations often locate themselves in specific areas of the body. Most common is muscle tension […]

What is The Future of PHE?

Being a strength coach in Canada for 20 years I have seen a common theme in the long-term adaptation of a healthy lifestyle in athletes during their competitive years, post competitive years, and in their families. A weekly routine that is made up of training that is measured, practicing to develop skills and games to […]

Mobility: The Why and How

Mobility is the latest buzz in the fitness industry, but the concept of mobility is anything but new. Simply put, mobility is defined as a joint’s ability to move freely through a specific range of motion.  Good mobility means that the range of motion a joint can travel through is smooth and pain-free. Furthermore, a […]