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Lifting Accessories

What’s going on REPers?! Coach Christmas here with another fitness article I hope you’ll enjoy! 

If you lift or have lifted in a commercial gym, chances are you’ve either used or have seen others use a weightlifting belt. 

What is a weightlifting belt?

For those of you that may not have seen one, this belt helps teach lifters how to brace for heavy lifts and move more weight! It helps increase the intra-abdominal pressure (IAP), providing more support in front of the bones of the lower back. The belt prevents back hyperextension by forming a rigid wall around the lower torso, connecting the rib cage to the hip. This not only limits back movement, but it also prevents sideward bending and twisting.

Everyone at some point in their lives has braced but sometimes it can be hard to explain. The cue I use to get athletes to brace is to pretend like you’re about to receive a blow to your gut. Your initial reaction should be to tighten up your abdominal muscles in a manner that will help mitigate the blow.

Here’s a quick list of benefits of a Weightlifting Belt:

    • Increase intra-abdominal pressure
    • Increased spinal stability 
    • Better force transfer

If you currently own a weightlifting belt my recommendation as to when to use it is when maximal strength/power or loading above 85% of your one rep max is the primary focus of your training that day.

Remember, a belt does NOT replace good technique and proper bracing.

girl in the gym

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