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Giving Students the Foundation to Build Programs with 7 Core Movements

How can you as a teacher trust that your students have a good knowledge on how to build a program after an assessment? In previous articles, we’ve discussed what the 7 Core Movements are. These movements, when put together can help create an effective training program.

But Coach, what exactly is a program?

A training program is a blueprint that provides structure for students to reach their fitness goals. Every student’s blueprint will vary, as they are designed from their assessment results. The structure of it however, should tackle the 7 Core Movements as well as getting better at their assessments

Here are some things to consider when designing a program:

  • How long is the program?
  • How long will it take to do it daily?
  • Movements to do early on…

Grades 6-8

For students in this age bracket, most will have strong kinesthetic awareness, but still a limited understanding of what they are fully capable of. Students at this age are vastly untrained so with quality training, most will see strength gains, and increased energy in the first 3-5 weeks!

The blueprint for this program should focus on the barebones basics of the 7 Core Movements. The easiest exercises that will give students the most bang for their buck so to speak.

  • Hinge: Kettlebell Deadlift
  • Gait: Jogging/Running
  • Squat: Bodyweight/Goblet Squat
  • Push: Med Ball Chest Pass
  • Pull: DB Bent Over Row
  • Rotate: V Sit Twist
  • Lunge: Bodyweight Lunge

Grades 9-10

For students in this age bracket, many of them are just starting puberty. A major increase in size and strength will happen regardless of training. 

The blueprint for this program can include basic movements with additional progressions for the kinesthetically proficient

  • Hinge: Single Leg Kettlebell Hinge
  • Gait: Running/Sprinting
  • Squat: Bodyweight/Goblet Squat
  • Push: Bench Press
  • Pull: DB Bent Over Row
  • Rotate: Cable Woodchoppers
  • Lunge: Overhead DB Forward/Reverse Lunge

Programming, like anything else, is a skill that takes time to develop. It’s also an art, as no two programs are the same. 

Here at REPerformance, we help students combine the two. 

  • Develop their skills to effectively create quality programs in line with their fitness goals.
  •  Provide guided autonomy to allow students to express their physical improvements and athleticism 

Simply put, REPerformance gets students to express excellence in motion.

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