REPerformance Fitness & Lifestyle Platform | Free Trial

My Journey as a Fitness & Performance Coach

Hey REPers! My name is Nicolson Christmas and I am the Lead Fitness & Performance Coach at Healthy Living. Healthy Living is an elite training and dynamic fitness center that provides world class training to high performance athletes and working professionals.

I’ve had the pleasure of watching REPerformance grow as a company as well as the youth and teachers who use our software. It reminds me of my development as a coach. My path to becoming a coach was less traditional than others. Growing up I knew my calling was to work with youth. Whether that be as a School Liaison officer, a Child and Youth worker or a Performance coach. My goal was to help youth navigate the challenges that come with adulthood.

I realized that sports and fitness were really important to me and that this would be the best way I could help and be the person I needed when I was younger. I decided to go to school to better understand the world of Health, Wellness and Fitness. After graduating I worked as a personal trainer for a couple years. During this time I met with REP founder and my friend Callen, who mentored me, and helped me become the coach and man I am today.

Since working with Cal, I have had the opportunity to work with Varsity teams, youth, athletes as well as working professionals, who I have learned so much from over the years. REP has given me the opportunity to apply my knowledge in assessments across various ages and sports and made it easier to track the growth of the athletes I work with. You’re guessing if you aren’t assessing and guess what…

In conclusion, I am grateful for the opportunity to coach. REPerformance has given me the opportunity to influence many youth and everyday athletes to live a healthy and active lifestyle. Now I look forward to giving back to the REP community! 

I will be writing articles for REP so I wanted to share a bit about myself. Many will be about personal experiences you might learn from, others will be evidence based helpful tips to help elevate your game or improve your quality of life!

If you have any questions or would like to connect, feel free to give me a follow on Instagram @ncstrength25 or you can find me on LinkedIn

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